Invest in the future, for the ones you love.
Photo by Robert Dorzback
Install solar panels at your home or business, cut your power bills and receive a 30% federal tax credit!
NEW! Nonprofit organizations are eligible for rebates—starting at 30%—on their investments in solar power!
Clean, Renewable Solar Power = A Healthier Louisville
Asthma is triggered by air pollution and the #1 reason Louisville kids miss school. Solar power emits no pollution, supports local jobs and cools our planet. Kentucky receives 50% more sunshine than Germany—the world solar power leader—so Louisville CAN go solar!
Want to power your home or business with the sun?
Watch this LCAN video on where solar panels can be installed
Consult LCAN's "Before Calling Solar Installers"
Review this guidance from Louisville Metro Government
The American Solar Energy Society offers more helpful resources, too
Learn more about the tax benefits of going solar
Learn more about power storage
Check our Events for B4UBuy workshops
for residential & commercial property owners

Scammers are using fraudulent tricks to persuade area homeowners to sign contracts for solar panels. Learn what to recognize.
Heard about changes in the net-metering rules? Here's the latest for LG&E customers (similar to the latest for customers of Kentucky Utilities, Inc., and Kentucky Power, Inc.):
Under heavy pressure from the electric utility monopolies -- including $327,050 in campaign contributions -- the majority of the Ky. General Assembly voted to alter net metering in ways meant to extend those monopolies to the sun. However, based on a very recent Public Service Commission (PSC) ruling, the net-metering terms were reduced by only 26%. Then, the PSC changed course and allowed the utilities to impose a different accounting mechanism; things remain tied up in court.
Still, in most cases, residential solar power still offers good returns on your financial investment, and always pays great dividends to everyone's climate. If you're considering a solar power project for your commercial property, and are able to use most or all of the power it would produce in real time, changes to net-metering are an insignificant concern.)
Photo by Robert Dorzeback