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We'll help you find a fun project!


How Much Carbon & Cost Does a Light Bulb Save?  (STEM and practical living; 5th to adult)

MS-Students-Tablet-and-Teacher, 104532

Math with Purpose: Calculating Carbon Footprints  (STEM and practical living; 5th to adult)

PV-UK-Engineering-School-SES, 2.jpg

Solar Energy Workbook, from the Am. Solar Energy Society  (STEM and practical living; 5th to adult)

Red-Wigglers-and-Worm-Bin, 464764359.jpg

Indoor Composting with Worm Bins (STEM and practical living; Kindergarten to adult)

Have an activity you'd like to suggest we list on this page?  Please use the gray Contact Us form, below, to tell us more. 

Boy Wearing Helmet, White, on Bike, 1162

I can, you can,

Louisville CAN!

LCAN taught my class how to ride bikes safely.  Now my parents let me ride to my friend's house after school. Next year, I get to ride to school!

MATTHEW H., 5TH grade

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