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Cut your water use, carbon footprint and costs.

Great Showers, Save Water, Too

Install inexpensive low-flow shower heads, labeled, "WaterSense," or as using 2.5 gallons/minute or less. They pay for themselves very quickly, because you'll save water and energy to run your water heater.  Want a fuller feeling shower?  Choose an aerating model.  

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Faucet Aerators

Install inexpensive faucet aerators, labeled, "WaterSense," or as using 1.5 gallons/minute.  They cost a few dollars, are easy to install, save water and pay for themselves quickly. Since they use less hot water, they help the climate, too.


Pipe Wrap

Wrap hot water pipes, from just above the water heater to where they're no longer accessible, with low cost, foam pipe wrap.  Buy it for the diameter of your water pipes, likely 1/2- or 3/4-inch.  It's pre-scored, like a bagel; open it with your finger or butter knife.  Use a paring knife to cut it on a bevel to go around 90-degree bends.  Do your water pipes freeze in frigid weather?  Wrap your cold water pipes, too.

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Most plants need one inch of water each week.  Watering deeply once weekly is better than watering shallowly every day or so.  Soaker hoses are more efficient than sprinklers and irrigation systems.  Watering in the evening is more effective than during the day.


Fix Leaks

A dripping faucet or showerhead wastes water, if not water heating fuel, and inflates your utility bills.  Try these instructions for fixing one yourself.   

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18 February 2025 by

Louisville Climate Action Network

PO Box 4594

Louisville KY, 40204


502.451.COOL (2665)

Monday--Friday, 11am--6pm

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