Tailpipes create about a third of US greenhouse gases.
Need an automobile? Choose the greenest option you can.
LCAN envisions a Louisville whose transportation planners focus on moving people instead of automobiles, and where most residents won't need a private automobile to get around. You may know someone who's given up cars for walking, biking, carpooling and taking TARC. If you can't join them, you can reduce your carbon and costs by choosing wisely.
If buying a new car, visit GreenerCars.org for lists of the greenest cars of the model year and the greenest cars by automobile type.
To compare new and/or used cars, use this USEPA tool.

Louisville's speed limit is 25 mph unless otherwise posted.

Drive Efficiently
There are lots of ways to operate whatever automobile you have more efficiently, so you get more miles out of the fuel or power you put into your vehicle. Maintaining proper tire pressure, described below, is just one example. Learn lots of no-cost tips for getting more miles from your fuel.

Check Your Tires
Most automobiles' tires are under-inflated, reducing fuel efficiency and creating unnecessary emissions. It's especially likely in colder weather. Look on the sidewalls of your tires for their proper inflation (in pounds per square-inch or PSI). Once a month use a gauge to check your inflation and adjust as needed.

Consider an Electric Vehicle
Even if charged with coal-fired power, electric vehicles (EVs) cause much less pollution per mile than comparable internal combustion engine (ICE) models. EVs with the 300-mile range of ICE vehicles are common now; charging options are expanding quickly. Some new and used EVs earn tax credits! Some buyers can receive that credit at the time of purchase.

Top Tips for EV Road Trips
Thinking about making your next automobile an electric vehicle (EV), but suffering from "range anxiety"? Consider that EV options with the same 300-mile range as internal combustion engine (ICE) model are increasingly the norm. But what about when you need to go off the beaten path? Consider our "Top Tips for EV Road Trips."