Photo by Mickie Winters, for Louisville Magazine

B4UBuy: Insulating Your Home or Small Business
Has the cost of heating put a big hole in your budget? Insulating your home permanently lowers your utility bills. Check out our class covering tips for insulating your attic well and cost effectively; suitable for small businesses too.
Join LCAN at the Highland-Shelby Park Library at 1:00PM Saturday, February 8th for a free, B4UBuy presentation by engineer and LCAN Executive Director Sarah Lynn Cunningham covering tips for replacing your heating system.

If you buy a cut tree, skip the shiny "icicles" so it can be mulched and composted after the holidays.
If you decorate with lights, choose LEDs and turn them off before you go to bed.
Plan meals using more local ingredients.
Wrap gifts with plain paper neither shiny nor plasticized, so it can be recycled. Better, wrap in reusable fabric, such as a bandana, towel, etc.
If you receive a gift that replaces a current possession, ensure that someone else can use it.
Have folks on your list who don't need more stuff? Donate to LCAN and your favorite local environmental groups in their honor!
Think of all the problems we could solve if the majority of our elected officials served public interests, instead of special interests.
Please study your options and get to the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 7th. Find your polling place here. OR vote early, this week on November 2nd-4th -- no excuse required -- from 8am until 6pm, at these locations:
The Arterburn
(old St Matthews Community Center)
310 Ten Pin Lane 40207
The Jeffersonian
10617 Taylorsville Rd. 40299
Ky. Ctr for African American Heritage
1701 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd. 40203
Lyndon Elks Lodge #2052
904 Ormsby Lane 40242
Sun Valley Community Center
6505 Bethany Lane 40272
Mary Queen of Peace Gym
4005 Dixie Highway 40216
Triple Crown Pavilion
1780 Plantside Dr. 40299
Ky. Expo Center East Hall A&B
937 Phillips Lane 40209
Old Forester's Paristown Hall
724 Brent St. 40204
Bowman Field- Admin Bldg.
2815 Taylorsville Rd. 40205

Sign up to be an LCAN volunteer!